Friday, February 14, 2020

MGMT 3000 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

MGMT 3000 - Essay Example Some of the products and services in different business industries that are going to adopt share ownership strategies during the coming decade include transportation, food, finance, recreation, shelter, and entertainment (Gansky). In 2012 these new Mesh companies will form a global network called Grupo Mesh. The Grupo Mesh is expected to recruit nearly 80,000 members by the year 2020 (Gansky). The fact that nearly 20% of the business population will belong to Grupo Mesh means the initiatives of the association will greatly impact business trends in the near future. Rapidly growing cities particularly those located in India, Brazil, and Eastern Europe are prime targets for Mesh activity. Many governments worldwide are outsourcing their transportation agencies to the private industry. Green energy will allow communities to share resources in order get away from the petroleum dependency. After reading this article I became aware that there are many companies marketing products based on shared resources. In the food industry I have been the beneficiary of shared food resources in open food bar restaurants. Eating in all you eat buffets is a tremendous and exciting activity in which everyone in the restaurant shares the same food bar. Another example of an industry that has historically enable consumers to use a product without ownership is the auto industry. Leasing cars is a very profitable way to gain profits from a vehicle. The article mentions that green energy is going to help consumers reduce their electricity bills. An opportunity that is going to present itself for electric and hybrid cars is leasing replacement batteries to car owners. The entire discussion of Gansky’s article was very interesting and educational. I did not know of the existence of these Mesh companies. The mesh concept was invented a long time ago, but now it seems that more companies are attempting to exploit the marketplace with new innovative

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Intelligence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Intelligence - Essay Example (Wechsler, 1944, p.4) Intelligence is considered to be global as it characterises the individual's behaviour as a whole; it is a combination of those elements or abilities, which, though not entirely independent, are qualitatively differentiable. "By measurement of these abilities, we ultimately evaluate intelligence. But intelligence is not identical with the mere sum of these abilities, however inclusive". (Wechsler, 1944, p. 6) Wechsler suggests that there are three important reasons, which justify this statement: (1) The ultimate products of intelligent behaviour are not only a function of the number of abilities or their quality but also of the way in which they are combined, that is, upon their configuration. (3) Finally, while different orders of intelligent behaviour may require varying degrees of intellectual ability, an excess of any given ability may add relatively little to the effectiveness of the behaviour as a whole. It would seem that, so far as general intelligence is concerned, intellectual ability as such merely enters as a necessary minimum. "Thus, to act intelligently, one must be able to recall numerous items i.e., have a retentive memory. But beyond a certain point and age in developmental life span, this ability does not help much in coping with life situations successfully". (Wechsler, 1944, p. ... However the extent to which decline is confronted can be evaluated through various measurement tests and techniques. "Although intelligence is no mere sum of intellectual abilities, the only way we can evaluate it quantitatively is by the measurement of the various aspects of these abilities. There is no contradiction here unless we insist upon the identity of general intelligence and intellectual ability". (Wechsler, 1944, p. 8) Researchers have always related intelligence to different mental processes. More recently psychologists have began to emphasize not only the processes but the content as well. They speak of memory but of auditory memory; not only of reasoning but of abstract, verbal or arithmetical reasoning. In a like manner some psychologists have begun to distinguish various kinds of intelligence. Thorndike, has suggested subdividing intelligence into three main types: (1) Abstract or verbal intelligence, involving facility in the use of symbols; (2) Practical intelligence, involving facility in manipulating objects; (3) Social intelligence, involving facility in dealing with human beings. The significant thing about this classification is that it emphasises upon the age criteria, accomplishments a person can achieve and how he can do it. This distinction between function and content is fully justified by experimental evidence. The rating, which an individual attains on an intelligence examination, depends to a considerable degree on the type of test used. His score on a test made up largely of verbal items may differ significantly from that obtained on a test involving questions of social comprehension and still more from another test made up of items involving predominantly psychomotor reactions and the perception of spatial relationships.